Add a Little Charm: How to Customize Your Lola Camera

The best part of owning something is making it yours! That’s what I love most about the Lola Camera—it’s got that sleek, nostalgic charm of early 2000s digi cams, but it’s also the perfect blank canvas for a little creative flair.

I can’t resist adding a bit of personality to my Lola! Stickers, magazine cutouts, ribbons, or even DIY keychains and wrist straps—it’s all fair game! The possibilities are endless, and I think that’s where the magic is.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s how I customized my own Lola charm:

You’ll need scissors, embroidery thread, a sewing needle, beads (of your choice), and a lobster clasp cord. If you don't have embroidery thread, I could also recommend elastic string- You know, like the stuff that comes from friendship bracelet kits. Let your imagination run wild too- The string/thread doesn't have to be white, it can be any color of your choice! Maybe These are the kinds of things you might already have lying around, or you could easily find them at your local craft store!

1. Measure and Cut: 
Cut a piece of string about 8 inches long. This will give you enough space to add beads and tie knots.

2. Secure Your Strap:
Thread your first bead through your string and tie a simple knot under or around it (your choice) at the end to secure it into place. This will keep the other beads from falling off the string!

3. Start Beading:
Continue to add beads and have fun with this part! Alternate beads or create patterns (letters, rainbows, random designs, funky knots- your choice!)

4. Finish The strap:
Once you've decided you're finished, tie a final knot to secure everything.
Get your lobster clasp hook and loop it between the final 2 top beads of the charm strap.

5. Decorate:
And just like that! Now your charm is ready to hook onto your Lola camera!
Take it a step further and decorate your Lola with some fun stickers to make it truly yours! I used some alphabet stickers to spell out "Say Cheese" on mine- Maybe a little cheesy, sure, but that's what you tell your friends to do when you're about to take a great photo of them so, why not?!

When it comes to customizing your Lola camera, the possibilities are endless! Please keep tagging us in all your amazing Lola photos and also show us how you decorate your camera! We love to see how members of our wonderful community express themselves, in fact- We ENCOURAGE it! 

@lolacamera Add a little charm!! customize my lola with me :) ⭐️🍎🦋🌈🌷 #digicam #diy #beads #craftygirl ♬ Vlog ・ Stylish city pop(1275391) - orino


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